Project Cargo

Project Cargo

Details Information


Global Shipping’s specialty business, Project Logistics, provides complete services for entire large-scale, heavy-lift projects. Whether the assignment is to relocate an entire factory or move a precision consignment, Global Shipping’s Project Logistics teams will plan, manage and undertake special logistics projects of any scale from start to finish. However challenging the geography, however complex the lift, Project Logistics works closely with our engineering and contractor customers to ensure that every project is planned, delivered and completed on time and to exact specifications.

Global Shipping is one of the Top Five project and heavy-lift providers in the world. With our proven system of single-point control, we handle all projects from beginning to end, working worldwide with local Global Shipping offices. We coordinate the flow of materials, handle restrictions in difficult or remote areas, manage site operations, provide flexible options and stage supply lines to meet exacting deadlines.

Global Shipping’s Project Logistics provides specialty services for your Project, Oil & Gas, Mining and Marine logistics requirements. We also proudly offer Charter and Government contractor services.